Oberheim TEO-5 - Sound Bank '79
Oberheim TEO-5 - Sound Bank '79
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¥140.00 CNY
¥140.00 CNY
Utilizing the latest Oberheim hardware synthesizer, Sound Bank '79 for the TEO-5 draws it's inspiration from the synth sounds and designs of the late 70's and early 80's. One of the main focuses of this bank was tone - rather than overly complex or flashy patches - to really highlight that classic rich, warm Oberheim sound that this synth is capable of, while extending it's functionality to make it a truly modern synthesizer.
Sound Bank '79 for the TEO-5 comprises 3 banks, totaling 48 patches - Banks 10 (A), 11 (B), and 12 (C).
**THESE PATCHES WORK EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE OBERHEIM TEO-5 SYNTHESIZER. There are no refunds or exchanges after purchase.**